I'm going to write things about me and things that you can do.

Monday, March 02, 2009


We get this week of school! Today is my first day and I am already getting bored (bad start). We have three units in school this year and we have just finished the second. In between units, we get a week of. We have a "Unit Celebration" which is when we gather all that units projects together, take pictures and display them! Our grandparents are coming and so are my aunt and uncle. They are coming to see the projects, to visit and to celebrate aunt, uncle and cousin birthdays!

We also display all the notes and questions we have written and answered.They fill a whole folder!

Typing on my blog will be one of my "things to do" during this boring week of mine! (LOL!) Today I have already watched a video, beaded, traced a picture on my calendar, tried to draw some tulips, did Ryan's hair in pigtails, had lunch, did a computer game, played with a race car track, and walked to the mailbox in the freezing cold with the dog!

And now I am typing on you, my blog! BUSY DAY!